After several exhilarating and demanding years crafting compelling print, TV, and online campaigns, as well as corporate design solutions for renowned global brands, I made a conscious decision to refocus my attention on photography. Drawing from my past experiences collaborating with commercial photographers as a creative professional and practising photography as a student, I discovered a profound passion for fashion photography and beyond.

In this exploration, I soon realized that my heart lies in the realm of film photography, embracing its distinctive allure over digital counterparts. The profound intensity of living in the moment and devoting meticulous attention to composition, lighting, and overall setup with each shot creates an extraordinary experience that I never quite achieved with digital photography. Moreover, the captivating aspect of achieving a classic and unique aesthetic, influenced by various film stocks and the entire process of developing and scanning film, imparts a distinctiveness to every frame.

Whether I’m harnessing the beauty of natural light or meticulously crafting studio lighting in diverse locations and scenarios, my ultimate goal is to evoke the perfect mood that brings forth the essence of the story within my photography. Each image captures a moment frozen in time, revealing a narrative that resonates with viewers on a profound level.